Why Are Boxers Becoming Some Of The Best Entrepreneurs?

Why Are Boxers Becoming Some Of The Best Entrepreneurs?

The struggle for life was, is present now, and will be.

But there is always a correct and not entirely correct way of struggle. It"s not very smart to go out and start beating everyone who gets caught like a rabid maniac. Most likely, you will deliver several blows to the target, and then you will be knocked down.

There is an adequate way - you need to learn to box, move around the ring and study your opponent. Doing business, in this case, is no exception. In both cases, you cannot afford to waste your time on marketing and advertising ineffectively. You are inevitably knocked down. You need to know how to box. Recently a book was published called "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook." It follows from it that you need to give in more than to demand. Jab, jab, jab, the right hook is a metaphor for forgiving, giving, giving, asking. No one likes it when they sell something, but the likelihood of purchasing a product is higher if you first appreciate the person. But here, the question arises, how can all this be done? It would be best if you started by participating in the conversation. Write, comment on other blogs, communicate with other people in every possible way. Appreciate and be interested in content that other people are producing. Create value for your product when you understand your audience"s wants and how you can help them meet their needs. Only after that can you demand something.

There is a second important point. For example, there is a small retail liquor store. After you have completed the jab, you can make your first right hook. But instead of just throwing, it"s better to throw another jab. For example, give customers a 5% discount on their next purchase. This is not much, but it provides a good head start for the future. The point is that there is no need to invite customers because the buyer can use a 5% discount already upon entering the store. How do you ask, and where do you ask? The context of the question is as important as the question itself. For example, if you sell wine, Snapchat probably won"t work because the audience is young enough. Although, for many reasons, they can be potential clients. In this case, Twitter is a good choice because you can tell everything the buyer needs. Remember, there is no recipe for instant success. You yourself are well aware that big business takes time and patience. The most important thing is to choose the right platform. Fighting is always easy but rarely useful. Boxing is an art that, when mastered, leads to success or minimizes failure. Learn to box. The business will benefit a lot from this.

